About me.
My name is Carolyn Butt and I'm a Teaching Member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (MSTAT).
I teach the Alexander Technique to individuals and groups at several venues in mid Cornwall. More information can be found here.
I trained to teach the Alexander Technique on Danny McGowan's three year STAT approved teacher training course in Devon.
After qualifying in April 2014 I went on to postgraduate study with Ilana Machover in London. I also trained in teaching the use of the Technique for pregnancy, birth and parenthood, work which Ilana pioneered.
I've taught the Alexander Technique in London and Cornwall. In London I assisted teaching the Technique both in classes for professional actors and on the renowned ArtsEd course for students of musical theatre and acting. My students in Cornwall are from many different walks of life and range in age from school leavers to pensioners.
I'm one of eight Alexander Technique teachers to graduate in 2017 from the first UK two year postgraduate course developed by Bruce Fertman who has a lifetime's experience of teaching, writing and training teachers in many countries in Europe, the USA and Asia.
The Alexander Technique is as much a part of my daily life now as cleaning my teeth. I love teaching the Technique to my students, whether one to one, a mother with her new baby or in groups. Practising the Technique has kept me free of back pain for the last 9 years. More than that, the Technique has taught me to be fully aware of what I am experiencing right now without worrying unnecessarily about the future or dwelling on the past. Its an ''enough time to stop and smell the roses'' way to be and I love that too.