Pregnancy, birth and parenthood
You can learn to use the Technique at any stage of your pregnancy. The skills you learn will help you through your labour. You are calmer as a new parent and so your baby is too.
As they grow, your children watch you and copy you, more precisely than you might think. It's how they learn. If you are already a parent when you start learning the Technique, your children will notice the subtle changes in the way you do things as you start to apply the skills that you learn in lessons. They will learn them too, just by being around you. I think this is a great gift to give your children.
Parenthood involves a lot of lifting and carrying. Mothers have always carried their children on one hip. Some mothers experience backache. Are you one of them? Like the mother in the photo here, do you push your hip out to one side when you carry your child? This puts pressure on your lower back which is what causes the ache. In Alexander Technique lessons I teach you how to carry your child to prevent back ache.