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About the Alexander Technique
"Nature never hurries, yet everything is accomplished."
Lao Tzu


During the years when I was in pain, as well as physiotherapy and yoga I tried chiropractic, massage, cranio-sacral and other therapies. They all helped in different ways but only for a short time.


The Alexander Technique is very different because it taught me that what I was doing and thinking in my daily life, without being aware of it, was contributing to my pain. This was actually very encouraging because it meant that I could learn to first become aware of these harmful habits of mine and then learn how to undo them.


Learning the Technique taught me to think in different ways and move in different ways which gave my body a chance to heal. The Technique in my experience is not a quick fix but it is a lasting one!


Have you heard of Judi Dench, still acting in her 80s, Matthew Pinsent, former Olympic rowing champion or John Cleese, actor and comedian? They have all had lessons in the Alexander Technique to help them in their work to perform even better, prevent or heal from injury and experience better health.


You too can benefit from learning the Alexander Technique, whether you are young or not so young, healthy or not so healthy and whether you are working, studying or retired - or maybe all three! Whatever it is that you do in your everyday life, the Technique will give you the skills to carry out your tasks with less effort and with more poise, balance, ease and confidence.


There is more! Because we are not just bodies but whole beings with thoughts and feelings, learning the Technique encompasses our thoughts and feelings too - we find that we are becoming calmer and much more at peace with ourselves and others. We think more clearly. We see more clearly.

Not all the time of course! But the more we practice the Alexander Technique the more we give ourselves the freedom to choose how we respond to whatever life throws at us.

Two of these four champion rowers have had Alexander Technique lessons. Can you tell which two they are?    

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